ACLS Instructor Prerequisites / Course Details

Thank you for your interest in American Heart Association ACLS Instructor Training with CPR Seattle. Feel free to call our staff 8:30am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday with any questions you might have (206-504-3280 or

Prerequisites for ACLS Instructor Training

  1. Instructor must be aligned with an American Heart Association Training Center. CPR Seattle welcomes new ACLS instructors to align with us. Please give our staff a call for further details at 206-504-3280, or log on to the AHA Instructor Network and select CPR Seattle as your Training Center.

  2. Instructor must hold a current 2015 guidelines ACLS certification card.

  3. Be licensed or certified in a healthcare occupation in which ACLS skills are within the scope of the candidates' practice.

Course Monitoring

A CPR Seattle Training Center Faculty must monitor instructor candidates teaching an actual ACLS class before receiving an instructor card. Candidates must enroll in a ACLS Course Monitoring Class within 6 months of their instructor course. If the candidate does not complete the course monitoring session within 6 months of completing the instructor training, the instructor course must be taken again.

Required Teaching Materials

Please contact CPR Seattle to order your materials (206-504-3280,

  • ACLS Instructor Package 15-1006 (ACLS Instructor Manual 15-1003, ACLS Provider Manual 15-1005, ACLS Course Video 15-1004, ACLS Poster Set 15-1042, ACLS Emergency Crash Cart Cards 15-1008)

Items can also be purchased individually:

  • ACLS Provider Manual 15-1005
  • ACLS Instructor Manual 15-1003
  • ACLS Course Video 15-1004
  • ACLS Poster Set 15-1042
  • ACLS Emergency Crash Cart Cards 15-1008